Play percussion

Video collection

Percussionist Lily May has written 5 new pieces of varying difficulty for classroom percussion groups. On this page, we’ve collected all the resources you’ll need to run a lunchtime or after school percussion club – videos, pieces, print-able resources and inspiration. If you are planning to incorporate percussion into your curriculum provision you will also find a 12-lesson unit of work for each of the 5 pieces as part of Sing Up Music.

Teaching videos
Mangrove twilight
Mangrove twilight
Teaching videos
Teaching videos
Rosewood gratitude
Rosewood gratitude
Teaching videos
Calypso solèy levé
Calypso solèy levé
Teaching videos
Percussion instruments
Now available from our shop
Percussion instruments
Teaching videos

Percussion illustrations - Jennifer Hawkins
Video capture - Luke Redmond
Video editing - William Howarth

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