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Vocal Health Collection
Comprehensive advice and multimedia guides to the voice and vocal health
Inside the voice
A comprehensive, multimedia guide to the voice and vocal health.
Inside the voice (Chapter 1: Vocal health and awareness)
Chapter 1 of Inside the voice will give you an idea of how and why teachers in particular are affected by vocal health problems.
Inside the voice (Chapter 2: How the voice works)
Chapter 2 of Inside the voice looks at how the voice produces the enormous variety of sounds used in speech and singing.
Inside the voice (Chapter 3: Voice care in and out of the classroom)
Chapter 3 of Inside the voice takes a look at various techniques to help you and your pupils look after your voices.
Inside the voice (Chapter 4: Voice development over the lifespan)
Chapter 4 of Inside the voice is all about how the voice develops from birth to adulthood, before changing again during middle age.
Inside the voice (Chapter 5: Improving singing technique)
Chapter 5 of Inside the voice outlines exercises for developing an efficient and healthy singing technique.
Inside the voice (Chapter 6: Warm-up theory & practice)
Chapter 6 of Inside the voice is about why it’s important to warm up your voice before you use it. It also outlines a quick warm-up routine to prepare you for singing.
Inside the voice (Glossary & further reading)
Here you’ll find definitions of the more technical vocabulary used in Inside the voice. There is also a list of books and websites where you can find out more about vocal health and other voice-related issues.
Going inside the voice - Inside the voice
Find out what your larynx looks like... From the inside! Not for the faint of heart.
Tone onset - Inside the voice
Find out all about the different ways to make a sound!
Projected resonance - Inside the voice
How to improve voice projection by experimenting with different resonances
Releasing tongue tension - Inside the voice
Exercises to help relax the root of the tongue.
Avoiding constriction in the larynx - Inside the voice
Find out how to avoid tension and constriction when you sing
Breathing and good voicing - Inside the voice
Find out how to breathe more efficiently and make a healthier sound when you sing
Soft palate - Inside the voice
Exercises to help make sure all the air goes through your mouth, with none escaping through your nose, as you sing.
Wake up and balance the body
Get your body ready for healthy singing
Breathing - Inside the voice
A quick warm-up focusing on lower abdominal breathing
Release the throat - Inside the voice
A warm up to help relax the throat and reduce constriction
The vocal folds - Inside the voice
A quick way of warming up the true vocal folds
Explore resonance - Inside the voice
A warm-up that helps improve voice projection using different resonances