Homophonic, polyphonic and monophonic
Ain't gonna let nobody | Lyrics
Wow your audience with this hip-hop inspired arrangement of a traditional spiritual.
Eye of the tiger | Lyrics
A roaring anthem on the theme of resilience from the rock ‘hall of fame’.
Laudate Deum | Lyrics
A spirited baroque canon by Henry Purcell
Rise | Lyrics
A super catchy and motivating song about self-belief and perseverance
The aim of these activities is to:
Sing Up has a range of songs that introduce the textures: monophonic, polyphonic and homophonic. These songs (available to Members) introduce the textures both in the lyrics but also in how the music is written.
Monophonic has one melodic line and no harmony. It could be sung by one voice or lots of voices in unison
Homophonic has one clear melody while everything else fills in the chords, harmony, rhythm
Polyphonic has more than one melody happening at the same time
Your next task is to work your way through learning to sing songs with different textures. Musical texture is best experienced through singing and playing music. Here are some suggestions to sing:
Songs in unison e.g. Rise, Eye of the tiger
Songs that are in a round e.g. Laudate Deum
Songs in parts e.g. Ain't gonna let nobody
Listening and appraising:
Now you’ve sung different types of songs think about the textures they each had. Listen to a variety of songs and music and see if you can find examples of:
Music where:
Compose/ Arrange
Compose or arrange a short piece of music for two or three voices or instrument parts. Try and include an example that is monophonic, homophonic and polyphonic. Some ideas to get you started:
Lots of singers are on Tik Tok creating arrangements collaboratively. Pick a tune and sing it. Send it to a friend and ask them to add a harmony. You could do this multiple times. Give it a go. Check out this version of Viva la Vida https://vm.tiktok.com/WxNhc1/
Or download a trial version of the Acapella App and create your own vocal arrangement video.