Raise my voice
This feel-good number, written by Carrie and David Grant, encourages young people to express their feelings and aspirations.
Learn the song

Try our special video of this song and its accompanying choreography moves from Jam Theatre Company.






Activity ideas based around the song

This feel-good song is written by Carrie and David Grant and we’re sure you’ll love it. It’s about all the ways you can raise your voice, not only in song, but also to express your feelings and ambitions.

Learn the song by listening to the performance track and clapping along to the beat. Listen out for the chorus (the ‘Raise my voice’ section). Can you count how many times it’s repeated? Here’s a clue – it’s between one and five! Listen to the song again and as you do, notice the catchy introduction (‘Eh, eh, eh’) and join in. The verses are quite ‘wordy’ so start by speaking the lyrics slowly to make sure that you can fit them all in.

What do you think the song is about? Look through the lyrics for some ideas. What words stand out? Do you think it’s about taking responsibility? Or perhaps building self-confidence, standing up against bullying or reaching for your goals? Have a chat with someone about one of these topics that interest you.

Here’s your chance to show off some moves. This song has a dance routine that goes with the chorus (the section that starts with ‘Raise my voice, make a noise’), which was specially choreographed (created) by the writers Carrie and David. Once you’re familiar with the song, learn the dance moves by watching the children in the recording from Jam Theatre Company. Start off slowly, learning a few moves at a time, and as you get more confident, put it all together. You could do a mini performance with singing and dancing.

Song writing
The chant section is a series of statements. Try speaking them out loudly and clearly.


Can you think of other sentences you’d like to include? What about ‘TREAT PEOPLE FAIRLY? YES! LOOK AFTER THE EARTH? YES!’ Try writing four new lines for the chant section about things that you feel strongly about. Ask the question and then give the YES/NO answer. When you have written them, use the backing track to sing along using your new questions and answers, chanting them with confidence.

Goal setting 
The song speaks about being the best you can: ‘I reach for my goal to be all I can be.’  Ask yourself – what are my goals?

Do you want to improve at something? Achieve a certain award? Maybe challenge yourself to learn something new? Follow these instructions:

  1. Using a big bit of card or paper, make a list of five to ten things you’d like to achieve – maybe in a month, maybe in a year.
  2. Decorate it with pictures and motivational words.
  3. Put it up somewhere where you'll see it every day to remind you that you can reach for your goals and be the best you can.
  4. Remember ­– you'll need determination and patience. Keep going!

Power shield
This activity is about believing in yourself and finding creative ways to express yourself. Here’s what to do:

  1. Using a blank A4 sheet of paper (portrait) draw the outline of a shield – fill the whole page with it. Search the internet for some images if you need inspiration.
  2. Divide your shield into quarters (4 even sections).
  3. In the first quarter, draw or write something you're good at.
  4. In the second, note down a place that makes you feel safe and happy.
  5. The third section is for your fears and worries.
  6. Use the fourth section to capture wishes and hopes.
  7. If you'd like to, show someone your shield and talk through the different sections with them.

Positive words
Affirmations are positive sentences (or statements) that can help you build your self-esteem. They are usually spoken out loud every day to help you feel strong and confident. The lyrics of the song have some – look:

  • 'I believe in myself'
  • 'I express how I feel’
  • ‘I like who I am’
  • ‘I’m keepin’ it real’

Positive words are powerful! Make your own list of positive statements (between five and ten). You could choose from the ones below or try making up your own. These could include:

  • 'I believe in me'
  • 'I am a good friend'
  • 'I try my best at work'
  • 'I stand up for people being treated equally'
  • 'I am a good listener'
  • 'I can do hard things'
  • 'I am kind'

If you need some ideas, watch this Sesame Street What I am video where Will.I.am sings: ‘I’ll keep getting stronger. What I am is…thoughtful, musical, smart, brave, helpful, special, there’s nothing I can’t achieve because in myself I believe.’

Write out your list in your best handwriting and decorate it. Tape your list to the mirror in the bathroom and speak your positive affirmations out loud every day after brushing your teeth.

Politican for the day
Do you know who our prime minister is? If you ran the country, what would you do to make a difference to our country?  Have a think and maybe chat to someone about the things you feel strongly about. Perhaps it’s about looking after the earth or looking after animals?

Read these lyrics from the song slowly: ‘Got something to say, got a difference to make, a part I can play and a role I can take’. 

Do you agree that we all have a part to play? You are part of a family, of school life, your community and the wider world. Every young person can make a difference – just look at Greta Thunberg!

  • First, think about the question – what would you do to make a difference to our country?  
  • Next, makes some short notes about what you would do and why it’s important to you. 
  • Then, have a go at turning your notes into a short speech, explaining your views clearly and calmly.  
  • Finally, when you’ve written your speech, rehearse it a few times. Have a go at performing it to someone. You might want to dress up as a politician or imagine you’re being interviewed on TV.  
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