The Sing Up website will experience a few hours of downtime while we make some improvements on Monday 31st March from 17:30 BST.
Getting Started Collection
Boost your choir and return to school with a song
What are the insider tips you need to boost singing among existing choirs or encourage new members to join?
Back to basics
We want to help you achieve great quality singing in your school, so we’ve created a handy checklist so you can you make sure everyone starts off on the right track.
Top 10 tips for running a primary
We’ve rounded up the best of our advice and resources to help your choir well and truly take flight.
Choirs: Laying the foundation in KS1
Sing Up Learning Executive Charlotte Law taps into advice and guidance from fellow infant singing specialists to help you get your KS1 choir off the ground
Starting a KS2 choir - notes from a parent
As a professional singer who is a parent, it is important to me that my son has as many opportunities as I did when I grew up
Simple ways into secondary singing
Don't just talk about it - do it!
How the voice works
When you're learning to sing, it helps to know what makes your instrument tick
Take care of that voice
Stuart Barr's top tips on looking after voices
Bodies, brains, ears, voices: total choral workout
NYCGB’s experts give the lowdown on preparing the whole body to sing
Brush up on your conducting skills with our top tips
Take on the professionals with this handy downloadable poster
NTC's top tips for boosting creativity in your choir
National Teacher's Choir's General Manager Baz Chapman and Musical Director Ula Weber share top tips to boost creativity in your choir
BIG SINGS: Your Guide
Beccy Owen, singer, songwriter and expert Big Sing leader, offers her advice for making your group performance the best it can be
A chorus of approval
According to Voices Now's Big Choral Census in 2017, some 40,000 choirs (more than two million singers) meet regularly in the UK to sing together.