Curious to know more about the musicians behind our sea-themed Sing Up Day anthem, Dreams across the ocean? Laura Bradshaw and Joseff Gnagbo introduce themselves and talk a bit about the song they created.
‘I’m a composer and community musician, and a flautist, trained at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. I’ve worked in schools, teaching classroom singing in primary and secondary schools. I am now facilitating community music workshops with people who are displaced from their home countries with the award-winning project Oasis One World Choir. Unity and hope are key themes among our participants, and I often facilitate songwriting within the group, who now have a rich repertoire of self-created songs on our YouTube channel. I also regularly perform with the trio Bread and Roses with folk singer Frankie Armstrong and Pauline Down.’
‘I am a singer and rapper from Ivory Coast who came to the UK due to having to flee violence in my home country. I have added much to my new home in Cardiff, Wales via songs and songwriting skills, and have collaborated with Laura on creating several songs – a collaboration we are both keen to continue with. I’m a linguist (fluent in 6 languages, with a working knowledge of other languages) and am currently studying for an MA Welsh Master’s by Research. I am a collaborator with Oasis One World Choir and with renowned Welsh language poet Mererid Hopwood.’
Watch Laura and Joseff’s intro video to learn more about their Sing Up Day song:
Follow Laura
Website: https://www.laurabradshawmusic.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@laurabradshawYTube
Instagram: https://instagram.com/laura_bradshaw_music
Follow Joseff
Website: https://oneworldchoir.co.uk/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@oasisoneworldchoir
Instagram: https://instagram.com/oasisoneworldchoir
Find out how you get involved in this year’s Sing Up Day celebration and start learning the songs.