- Keep the room in which you’re singing well ventilated. Keep a window and doors open and if possible, keep a flow of air moving.
- Keep some distance between each singer.
- Take regular breaks to move about, change the air and rest voices. Try to keep the singing times short (20 – 30 mins) with breaks in between.
- You could consider purchasing an air filter (HEPA filter) for the room. One of these will clean the air and monitor air quality at the same time. Even quite small ones cover quite a large area in a room.
- Provide hand sanitiser points for everyone to use when they arrive and before they leave.
- Encourage your singers to think about making a beautiful, unforced and gentle sound. Avoiding very loud or ‘shouty’ singing will produce a better result, be safer for their voices and not spreading aerosols too.
- Research has shown that although singing produces more aerosols than speaking, young children produce far fewer aerosol particles than adults, and the louder the singing the more aerosols are produced. Shouting and even talking loudly produces more aerosols than singing with a gentle unforced sound.
More information available here:
#CanDoMusic https://www.musicmark.org.uk/resources/music-unlocked-guidance-for-schools-and-music-providers/
And https://www.candomusic.org
Happy and safe singing!