Gabriel Taylor, a young budding musician, was only ten when he wrote Moving on. Inspired by his own experience of being in Year 6 and preparing to leave St Christopher Junior School Letchworth, he wrote this moving tribute to his teachers and friends.
Moving on is being sung by pupils (including Gabriel) from The Knights Templar School Junior Choir.
Here is the choir – Gabriel is in the front on the far right. Have a listen to Moving on and let us know what you think about it in the comments below.
If you are interested in performing this song and would like the sheet music please contact Sing Up who will put you in contact with the song writer.
Here's Gabriel, now in year 7, talking about how the song came about:
"I started to play the piano and drums when I was five and the violin when I was six. My house was always full of music, which is why I learned to love it, and I listened to a lot of music of all kinds as well. I have also picked up the ukulele and the guitar and learned to use the Sibelius notation program.
I was ten when I wrote Moving on. It started off as a series of chords on the guitar, but as I was fast approaching the end of year 6, I realised that it would be a nice gesture to my teachers, and above all friends, if I wrote a tune and lyrics to fit those chords. My teacher suggested the possibility of singing it with the whole class, and when my year began to write the script for our final assembly it was decided that Moving on would be the song at the end. At last, it was time to bid farewell, and I walked on with my guitar, my friends behind me. This song was a very fitting way to end my primary education, and I hope it might be for others one day, too.
I am very grateful to Mr Herring for helping me to improve the new piano part for Moving on, and especially to Ms Dawson, Mr Knighton and my friends in the choir at The Knights Templar School in Baldock, for taking the time to learn and record it for Sing Up."
What do you think of Moving on? Has it inspired you to write your own song? Send us your own efforts to [email protected]